This is a schematic overview of my Ham Radio Remote Station without any need of using RcForb (, RemoteTX or another Software and servers who are millions of miles away. All Data are kept in my hands.
Why I work with my own solution? Well, the answer is easy:
At the beginning RcForb worked good but I didn't like the Design and not all functions of my transceiver were supported. Also the Server Software of RcForb runs only on a Windows PC and Wake on Lan didn't work with any of my Laptops. So I always had to turn the Server Laptop on by pressing a physical button. Since I we got a smart Home System in our house I was looking for a solution which can be switched on by just a tap on my mobile. So now a raspberry is doing the job as the remote server. It can be switched on remotely, it boots automatically and starts all the needed programs. And the energy consumption is far less than using a PC or Laptop.
Honestly I never used RemoteTX but I didn't want a solution working in a browser anyways.
Also very important for me was to have a full waterfall diagram and a physical PTT-Button on a real Microphone which can be connected to the Client Laptop.
So here we go..... in the next following sites (which will be published in the next couple of days) I will give you informations about how I fullfilled my dream of using my Station from whereever I am - via 5 GHz-Link to my garden, via WIFI or LAN in my House or via VPN from anywhere else.